Mr and Mrs Chen Hip-Hung Scholarships

Mr and Mrs Chen Hip-Hung Scholarships

Mr and Mrs Chen Hip-Hung Scholarships are available at the University of Hong for and it is awarded to undergraduates beginning the first year of the curriculum for the MBBS degrees in the LKS Faculty of Medicine. This scholarship is tenable for the whole degree curriculum including the MRes(Med) programme subject to excellent academic progress (i.e. the scholarship recipients shall be ranked within the top 20% in their classes in each year of studies) and excellent conduct. The scholarships shall be awarded to qualified candidates based on academic merit as shown in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination.

Brief History

This scholarship was established by Mr Chen Shao-Chi (陳紹箕先生) who offered to donate a sum per annum with effect from 1983-84 for the establishment of a scholarship and a bursary. This was based on the wishes of his mother’s grandfather, Mr Poon Yan-Chuen (潘寅存先生), one of the founders and members of the Fund Raising Committee of the University of Hong Kong in 1909 and his grandfather, Mr Chen Shum-Loong (陳心農先生), who donated a series of Chinese classical books to the University currently housed at the Fung Ping Shan Library, and in memory of his mother, Mrs Chen Hip-Hung (陳叶熊夫人).

Scholarship Value

The value of the awards had been revised over the years, and on the occasion of the Mr Chen Shao-Chi’s seventieth birthday in 1992, Mr Chen’s family offered to increase the donation per annum with effect from 2002-03 until further notice for the award of scholarships and bursaries to benefit qualifying students of medicine and engineering respectively.

The scholarship is named as “Mr and Mrs Chen Hip-Hung Scholarships 陳叶熊先生夫人獎學金” and the bursary as “Mr and Mrs Chen Shao-Chi Bursaries 陳紹箕先生夫人助學金”.

For more on this, see the SCHOLARSHIP OFFICIAL WEBSITE

About Chinenye

Chinenye is a communication researcher with several years of lecturing experience in different universities.

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